Multi-Media Artist
My shop on ko-fi features clothes, patches, tapestries and more!
Below you can find my Discord server, it's a place for artist and art admirers to connect

About me, my education and mediums
About Me
Hi. Here on the internet I go by the name Mush or Shy, either is fine. Foreshortening of "theshymush". I'm an artist based in Sweden. What I create differs a lot depending on the mood. But I foremost enjoy to create all things spooky, autumn and halloween related things!
My Education
I graduated upper secondary school in June 2021, 3 years of "Game Graphics" and there after I completed 60 credits of Art Education at University.
I tend to shift my medium to what I think the best outcome can become depending on the idea in mind. Therefore I use a lot of different mediums.Digital drawing and painting, acrylic painting on woodboard, canvas and leather. Ceramic creations, book binding and bleach painting on textiles/clothes
photograph by me
Questions? Wondering something? Contact through the Email below
or through the discord if you are in the server.Mail: [email protected]
I'm accepting commissions through Ko-fi but I also take them through email and Discord! I prefereably take on commissions that align with my usual themes, but I'm not against exploring other things!My shop on ko-fi features clothes, tapestries, prints. patches and stickers.If you still would like to support me but can't commission me, Ko-fi allows donations/tips which is greatly appreciated! :)[email protected]
Commission info
There is sketch commissions and rendered commissions
further down this page is information regardning payment,
- contact through discord or email
Terms of Service
- Payment up front
- Payment through Paypal or Swish (if located in Sweden)
- Payment is devided in two parts, 50/50. First when commission is accepted, second when sketch stage is approved
I may refuse a commission due to following reasons:
- Lack of time
- All slots filled
- I feel uncomfortable with commission request or commissioner
- Lack of experince
** Usage of finished commission **
- Personal use only
- Used as profile picture is allowed with credits stating theshymush as creator
- Printed for usage in ones home is allowed (hanging on walls etc.)
- payments through paypal or swish
- payments is set up in two parts. First half when I have accepted the commission,and then the last one after your approval when the sketch stages are done.
- the art i create are for personal uses only and you must, if you post the artwork online, credit me.
- I may refuse a commission I feel that I lack experience to finish it.
- I may refuse a commission if there is lack of time
- No major changes after sketch stage.
What I will draw:
- fanart
- fantasy creatures
- humans
- flora and fauna
- gore to some extent (blood)
-- commission details
** time frame/ due date** : (if you need it to be done within a time frame)
type : _(headshot/bust, half body or full body. Drawing/line art, drawing/line art with shadows, painting) _
color type: (grey scale or color !can only be choosen if type is painting!)
** pose** : (neutral or action)
additional: (floral, text.)-- character details
reference pictures: (insert reference pictures on what it is that you want drawn/painted)
personality: (does the character have any out standing personality traits?)-- other
notes/extra: (information that doesn't fit the categories above)
paypal: (swedish clients are free to use Swish instead of paypal)
*character does not have to mean fictional, can be an animal, family member or any other thing
Current status: open
slots available: 2/2
headshot / bust
drawing / line art - $25
drawing / line art with shading - $30
painting - $55
[additional details - $10]half body
drawing / line art - $30
drawing / line art with shading - $40
painting - $60
[additional details - $10]full body
drawing / line art - $35
drawing / line art with shading - $45
painting - $75
[additional details - $10]Examples
Bleach paintings and other
digital works